APW Wyott - CW-2A

Below are all the different types of APW Wyott. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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Classic Cook amp Serve Cookers Warmers PRODUCT QUANTITY ITEM Models CW 2A CW IB Designed Smart Designed to cook and hold cooked foods from frozen state Perfect for soups chilis and other dishes that need a quick thaw during the cooking cycles and a gentle warming heat for serving CW 2A model has unique serpentine shaped heating elements that evenly distribute heat throughout the unit CW IB utilizes a bottom mounted heating element and an aluminum transfer plate to provide superior heat Provided with insulation to protect interior parts and countertops from heat build up CW IB accepts an llqt inset or with adaptor a 7 or 4 qt inset Both models are provided with knob guards Preheats water ...